IT Band Foam Rolling
Workout Details
IT Band
Foam Roll
IT Band Foam Rolling Overview
Foam rolling your IT band is a great way to warm up and cool down for your workout, especially if you plan to perform lower body exercises that require the IT band to be more mobile.
When you foam roll the IT band, or any muscle group for that matter, you alleviate some of the tension that is built up during the day and your workouts.
Foam rolling your IT band is a great way to warm up and cool down for your workout, especially if you plan to perform lower body exercises that require the IT band to be more mobile.
When you foam roll the IT band, or any muscle group for that matter, you alleviate some of the tension that is built up during the day and your workouts.
IT Band Foam Rolling Instructions
- In a side lying position, place the foam roller directly underneath your thigh between your knee and hip.
- Support your upper body using your forearm and free hand. Cross your top leg in front of the down leg and adjust pressure into the roller with your free hand and foot.
- Slowly roll up and down the length of the thigh for 20-30 seconds.
- Repeat on the other side.
- In a side lying position, place the foam roller directly underneath your thigh between your knee and hip.
- Support your upper body using your forearm and free hand. Cross your top leg in front of the down leg and adjust pressure into the roller with your free hand and foot.
- Slowly roll up and down the length of the thigh for 20-30 seconds.
- Repeat on the other side.
IT Band Foam Rolling Tips
- The most important thing you can remember with any soft tissue work: KEEP BREATHING. Don’t hold your breath, you want to release tension, not generate it.
- If you find a tender spot, pause for 5-6 seconds and focus on slow, deep breaths and try to relax.
- Foam rolling may be uncomfortable but that’s not an excuse to avoid it. It hurts because there may be physiological or neurological influences generating a pain response. The more you roll the better it’ll feel provided there’s no serious underlying mechanism.
- Don’t slump into the shoulder capsule, maintain an active upper body.
- If you notice any burning, numbness, or tingling, keep moving past that area. It’s likely a nerve and pausing on it for any length of time would not be a good idea.
- In order to shift more pressure into the bottom leg, stack the legs and utilize the weight of your body
- The most important thing you can remember with any soft tissue work: KEEP BREATHING. Don’t hold your breath, you want to release tension, not generate it.
- If you find a tender spot, pause for 5-6 seconds and focus on slow, deep breaths and try to relax.
- Foam rolling may be uncomfortable but that’s not an excuse to avoid it. It hurts because there may be physiological or neurological influences generating a pain response. The more you roll the better it’ll feel provided there’s no serious underlying mechanism.
- Don’t slump into the shoulder capsule, maintain an active upper body.
- If you notice any burning, numbness, or tingling, keep moving past that area. It’s likely a nerve and pausing on it for any length of time would not be a good idea.
- In order to shift more pressure into the bottom leg, stack the legs and utilize the weight of your body