Lying Floor Leg Raise

Workout Details






Pull (Bilateral)


Lying Floor Leg Raise Overview

The lying floor leg raise is a variation of the abdominal crunch and an exercise used to isolate the muscles of the abdomen.

The lying floor leg raise is a flexion based exercise which keeps the lower abdominal muscles under constant tension during the entire range of motion.

Lying Floor Leg Raise Instructions

  1. Lay supine in a relaxed position with your legs straight and your hands underneath your low back for support.
  2. Keep your legs straight and raise them towards your forehead while contracting your abdominals and exhaling.
  3. Once your abs are fully contracted and your legs are slightly above parallel, slowly lower your legs back to the starting position.
  4. Complete for the assigned number of repetitions.

Lying Floor Leg Raise Tips

  1. Exhale hard like you’re blowing out candles on a cake and hold the contraction for a second in order to improve mind muscle connection.
  2. If your lower back bothers you during this exercise, choose more anti extension and anti rotation based movements.
  3. Avoid putting the hands behind the head as this can lead to excess strain upon the neck.